Sunday, August 22, 2021

Why Android Phones Usually Decrease Charge Fastly in winter?

 In this technological era mobile phone is the basic need of everyone, because mobile phones are those  devices which store our data safely, and by using these modern devices we easily conversation with our relatives  and friends  And the most interesting thing is that we use these modern devices for our benefits and for our  use  for example we use facebook, instagram and many other social media platforms through mobile phones where we see the world and meet different peoples and saw new things ,new inventions and new discoveries and so more. 

Today world best mobile phones  companies like Samsung,Apple,Nokia,Huawei, like other companies invented best mobile phones which have good features and as well as good performance. For this purposes million of followers of these mobile phones but day by day some problems are faced by the users of these phones. this problem is mostly faced by those people which are live in coldest areas of the world like antartica  artic circle and many others places . because these areas are the coldest places of the world where the temperature is below zero degree celcius so it is difficult to live.

If you  live in coldest areas of the world and your smart phone decrease the charge fastly, then  after reading this article you will automatically now about the charge problem of your android phones,that why my phone decrease charge fastly?  so we tell you some important tricks which are helpful  to you well aware that everything  which are exist on the earth need a specific or optimum temperature for live. Similarly the batteries of Andriod phones work on a specific temperature because inside of these batteries chemicals are present which work at a optimum temperature.

We all depend on mobile phone because we store our personal information in these such kind of devices and as well as this devices  helps us on emergency situation, for example if we go on a long journey where we face some difficulties at that time mobile phones helps us to contect with our family or friends. Now come to the main topic and some questions are mentioned below which are helpful to you and as well as informative for you.

Is cold bad for smartphones?

Yes this is right cold is harmful to smartphones because the batteries of these devices are working on a specific temperature because inside batteries the chemicals work properly at good temperature and when the temperature is below the specific temperature the performance become loose and it also caused your touch screen and your phone is automatically shutdown and can not work properly.

How to maintain charge for a long time of your phone?

Firstly you should maintain the optimum temperature which are required for a smartphone. And use powerful charger for charging which helps you to charge fastly. Use power bank or other kind of charge supplier. Always keep the phone on your pockets because they absorb heat which are also helpful to maintain charge for a long time.


How to protect your Android phone in cold weather?


So here are some steps which are helpful to you to protect your phone in cold weather.smartphones are not made for cold weather because due to cold weather the battery become un usable because inside battery there are some chemicals are found which work at a specific temperature when temperature is decrease the chemicals are not working properly for this purposes the battery decrease charge fastly. Do not let the phone in cold place for a long time, like a parked car. Keep it inside the pocket where they absorb body temperature it is the best option to maintain the charge and if you do not need a phone for long time just turn off the phone instead of just putting it to sleep. It is best best for you and your phone to maintain the charge.


Mobile phone is the basic need of everyone so if you have a android phone and it loose charge fastly then this article is helpful to you and many others. So fallow the above steps and protect your phone and as well as your phone charge. If you like this article then share it with your family and friends.


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